Manual of some Unix Software

  1. GNU Manuals online
  2. bash -- a shell
  3. cvs -- version control system
  4. emacs -- text editor
  5. emacs lisp -- lisp for emacs
  6. find -- search files and perform commands on them
  7. gawk -- awk is a text reformatting language
  8. gcc -- GNU Compiler Collection
  9. gdb -- GNU source level debugger
  10. gnuplot -- plotting software gnuplot introduction
  11. gnuplot user guide -- plotting software
  12. The GNU C Library
  13. gzip -- the data compression program
  14. make -- a program for directing recompilation
  15. tar -- an archiver tool
  16. text utils -- cat, head, tail, ...
  17. xfig vector drawing software
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